New Smithsonian Museum Offers New Civil Rights Biography

The museum store of the new and 19th Smithsonian Museum, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, in Washington, DC, is set to offer Dr. Hassan’s well-received biography, Loren Miller: Civil Rights Attorney and Journalist (University of Oklahoma Press). “A recommended work that adds to the corpus of civil rights histories and adds a rich portrait of a central figure in the related struggle,” says the Library Journal, the oldest and most respected U.S. library publication. 
                              Lonnie G. Bunch, III, NMAAHC Founding Director
                                            “I just love the (Loren Miller) book.” 

Loren Miller was one of the most important civil rights lawyers of the twentieth century. He drafted most of the legal briefs in the landmark U. S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education and argued alongside Thurgood Marshal in Shelley v. Kraemer, another landmark Supreme Court Case which effectively abolished racially restrictive housing covenants. Miller fought against the segregation of Mexican-American children in California’s public schools and the internment of Japanese-Americans and foreign nationals during World War II. He was a good friend of Langston Hughes. “Everyone should know Loren Miller’s story,” says Harvard law professor, Kenneth Mack.

The Loren Miller biography will be available in the Smithsonian’s new National Museum of African American History and Culture museum store on September 24, after the opening dedication ceremonies featuring President Barak Obama. Commemorate your visit with a purchase either for yourself or for a friend.